sâmbătă, 14 ianuarie 2017


     This year, I participated to a contest called Google Code-In, as you may know. I entered in the contest a little bit too late because I had some problems and also I had to learn a lot at school. Although, I managed to complete by far five tasks. From the beginning, I learned lots of things. For example, last year I thought that adding an artist on MusicBrainz would be very difficult. This year, I claimed the task, and read the steps I had to do. It was a great experience because now I have an account on MusicBrainz, and I can search any artist I want and it`s much easier to me. 
       The second task I did, was about installing BRL-CAD. I had a bit of luck because I already had Linux. I installed and compiled the program, following those many steps. 
     The next tasks were a bit more complicated because I had to interview a teacher and a student from my school. Firtsly, I interviewed a girl, smaller than me which was participating for the first time at the contest. Of course, I had to find a student who wanted to be interviewed, then to prepare the questions and write the interview right here, on m blog. With the teacher was the same, but it was a great experience because I`m sure it will help me in the future.
     I`m participting for the second time at the contest and I am very proud of my work. It really helped me to improve my English vocabulary, to know more things about computers and to communicate better with people.

miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2017


     Hello! In my last blogpost, I interviewed a student from my school! Now, my task was harder because I had to interview one of my teacher. I thought about this a lot, because I didn`t know which teacher I like the most, or which teacher has the best experience. Then, I realised that I have the best example near me, my aunt. Although we don`t live together, she is very close to me and I like to talk with her. 
     Here is my interview:

     Petronela: Hi! What`s your name and how old are you?
     Raluca: Hi! My name is Sava Raluca and I am 33 years old.
     Petronela: Great! You are pretty young! Where are you from and where do you live now?
     Raluca: Thanks!(laughter). Always so kind! I am from Romania, obviously. My native city is Tulcea, but now I live in Orastie!
     Petronela: What`s your job?
     Raluca: Well, I am a French teacher, although I can be also an English teacher! I work at the Aurel Vlad Schoo, as you know!
     Petronela: Yes, English is more attractive but French has its beauties too! How did you find out about the contest?
     Raluca: Actually, from you!
     Petronela: Really? I thought you already knew about it!
     Raluca: Well, no! You were talking to your little sister about it and I wanted to know how it is like!
     Petronela: Wow, nice! And what`s your opinion about it?
     Raluca: I really think that is  a very cool contest(as you, the teenagers say). I liked this idea with the time. I mean, if you claimed a hard task you have like 7 days to finish it while the easier tasks last only 3 days.
     Petronela: I know, because this things make us a little bit more responsable. We know we have a deadline and we have to finish until then!
     Raluca: Exactly! I also encouraged my students to take part to the contest! Although they don`t like French so much, at least the can improve their English vocabulary! I would like to participate too, but now the new generations have to come and show us what they can!
     Petronela: Yes, I totally agree with you! Thank you for the interview!
     FOSSASIA site: http://fossasia.org
         This was my interview! I hope you liked it because I really like to do this kind of stuff! See you soon!

luni, 9 ianuarie 2017

Interviewing a student

     As you may know, I am participating at a contest called Google Code In. I have to do a task which requires me to do interview a student. This is not so hard for me because in my school there are many students who are participating at the contest. From all I know, I interviewed a girl smaller than me with 2 years because I wanted to hear the opinion of a student without any experience.
    Petronela: Hi! What`s your name and how old are you?
    Mihaela: Hi! My name is Mihaela and I am 15 years old.
    Petronela: Where are you from?
    Mihaela: I am from Romania, a little country of Europe, as you know(laughter). But I don`t live in Orastie, the city where I go to school. I am from Vaidei, a small village at 15 kilometres far away the city.
     Petronela: Oh, I didn`t know. Now it must be really hard for you to arrive at school with all this snow. So, what college do you attend?
     Mihaela: Well, since this year, I go to the National College Aurel Vlaicu Orastie. I am new in this high school and everybody watches me like I am a kindergarden kid.
     Petronela: So, why are you participating at the contest and how did you find out about it?
     Mihaela: Actually, my sister told me about it. She is participating for the second time and I saw here since december that she was writing and doing things on the computer and she usually doesn`t use it a lot. So, she told me it would be great if I would try especially that I want to improve my English.
     Petronela: Wow! So nice that your sister encouraged you! If you know something about FOSSASIA, how would you describe this comunity?
     Mihaela; Well, I know it`s a very nice comunity which has the goal to keep the world united. I think this is a great idea because it`s the time when we all have to be united and think to each other and not to be so selfish.
     Petronela: Yes, you`re right! Thank for the answers. Hope you`ll achieve all your goals.


Here is the FOSSASIA site: http://gci16.fossasia.org
     This was the interview! I hope you liked my blog post and see you soon!