miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2017


     Hello! In my last blogpost, I interviewed a student from my school! Now, my task was harder because I had to interview one of my teacher. I thought about this a lot, because I didn`t know which teacher I like the most, or which teacher has the best experience. Then, I realised that I have the best example near me, my aunt. Although we don`t live together, she is very close to me and I like to talk with her. 
     Here is my interview:

     Petronela: Hi! What`s your name and how old are you?
     Raluca: Hi! My name is Sava Raluca and I am 33 years old.
     Petronela: Great! You are pretty young! Where are you from and where do you live now?
     Raluca: Thanks!(laughter). Always so kind! I am from Romania, obviously. My native city is Tulcea, but now I live in Orastie!
     Petronela: What`s your job?
     Raluca: Well, I am a French teacher, although I can be also an English teacher! I work at the Aurel Vlad Schoo, as you know!
     Petronela: Yes, English is more attractive but French has its beauties too! How did you find out about the contest?
     Raluca: Actually, from you!
     Petronela: Really? I thought you already knew about it!
     Raluca: Well, no! You were talking to your little sister about it and I wanted to know how it is like!
     Petronela: Wow, nice! And what`s your opinion about it?
     Raluca: I really think that is  a very cool contest(as you, the teenagers say). I liked this idea with the time. I mean, if you claimed a hard task you have like 7 days to finish it while the easier tasks last only 3 days.
     Petronela: I know, because this things make us a little bit more responsable. We know we have a deadline and we have to finish until then!
     Raluca: Exactly! I also encouraged my students to take part to the contest! Although they don`t like French so much, at least the can improve their English vocabulary! I would like to participate too, but now the new generations have to come and show us what they can!
     Petronela: Yes, I totally agree with you! Thank you for the interview!
     FOSSASIA site: http://fossasia.org
         This was my interview! I hope you liked it because I really like to do this kind of stuff! See you soon!

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