sâmbătă, 14 ianuarie 2017


     This year, I participated to a contest called Google Code-In, as you may know. I entered in the contest a little bit too late because I had some problems and also I had to learn a lot at school. Although, I managed to complete by far five tasks. From the beginning, I learned lots of things. For example, last year I thought that adding an artist on MusicBrainz would be very difficult. This year, I claimed the task, and read the steps I had to do. It was a great experience because now I have an account on MusicBrainz, and I can search any artist I want and it`s much easier to me. 
       The second task I did, was about installing BRL-CAD. I had a bit of luck because I already had Linux. I installed and compiled the program, following those many steps. 
     The next tasks were a bit more complicated because I had to interview a teacher and a student from my school. Firtsly, I interviewed a girl, smaller than me which was participating for the first time at the contest. Of course, I had to find a student who wanted to be interviewed, then to prepare the questions and write the interview right here, on m blog. With the teacher was the same, but it was a great experience because I`m sure it will help me in the future.
     I`m participting for the second time at the contest and I am very proud of my work. It really helped me to improve my English vocabulary, to know more things about computers and to communicate better with people.

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